Williams and Parks Trail in the Tug Hill Forest/Barnes Corners

Info: 188 acre trail lot, adjacent to Tug Hill Forest Area and a short walk/ride to connecting trails. Deep gorge viewing, keep an eye on pets and kids. This MAY have been called Oak Rim Trail at one time, or there may be an adjacent trail that is called Oak Rim.

Directions/Location: 24450 Williams Road, Rodman, NY 13682.

Google Maps:

Google Map Link

Trail Map:

Trail Distance: A few different trail arms, out and back totalling all of them – 3 miles. Trail 1 – .4 miles to overlook 1 one-way.

Difficulty: The Northward trail (.4 miles) to the overlook is relatively easy and fairly smooth. The other trails have some larger stones and possibly a bit of mud during wet times of the year but overall fairly easy.

Date/Time Open: Dawn to dusk.

Mountain Biking Allowed: Yes.

Gravel Biking: Yes.

Hiking/Walking Allowed: Yes.

Cross-Country Skiing: Probably.

Fishing: Yes.

Pets Allowed: Yes.

Accessible: No official information on this but the parking lot and the first few miles of the trail should be accessible.

Built on Former Railroad Bed: No.

Trail Map:

Special Instructions/Information: None at this time.

For More Information: Official website. 315-782-2749


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